
The notes and aromas of cacao beans are different depending on the country of origin, soil condition, weather and the way they are fermented and dried in the farm.  We pay high attention to the origin of cocoa beans, the drying and fermentation process of cocoa beans by local farmers, the sustainability of agricultural products to the environment, whether the trade situation of local farmers is fair, etc.

Kokoa Kamili, Tanzania 坦桑尼亞

可可豆來自坦桑尼亞的Kokoa Kamili合作社,合作社其中一個使命是為當地農民帶來更快及更可觀的收入,以及減少工作時間,提升整體生活質素。當地農民因而可以投放更多心機去照顧可可豆,製作出更優質的產品。

Using the cocoa beans from Kokoa Kamili Cooperative, Tanzania. One of the cooperative's missions is to bring faster and more substantial income to local farmers, as well as reduce working hours and improve the overall quality of life. As a result, local farmers can put more effort into caring for cocoa beans and make better products.

Zorzal, Dominican Republic 多明尼加共和國

使用從多明尼加共和國鳥類保護區“Reserva Zorzal”和鄰近農場種植的可可豆。 Zorzal 的使命是保護瀕臨滅絕的野生動物,幫助當地農業社區和可持續地處理可可豆收割。

Using the lovely beans grown from the ‘Reserva Zorzal’ and the neighboring farms’, which is a bird sanctuary area in the Dominican Republic. The mission of Zorzal is to protect endangered wildlife, helping local farming communities, and handling post-harvest sustainably. 

Trincheras, Venezuela 委內瑞拉

特林切拉斯(Trincheras)是委內瑞拉北部沿海地區卡拉沃博州(Carabobo State) 一個小村莊。 委內瑞拉天然的農業生態環境和悠久的可可耕種歷史,造就了可可豆的高品質。 委內瑞拉也被稱為可可之鄉。

Trincheras is located in a small village of Carabobo State around the north coastal region of Venezuela. The natural agro-ecological environment and the long history of cacao harvesting in Venezuela bring the high quality of cacao beans. Venezuela is also known as the homeland of cacao. 

Seboruco, Venezuela 委內瑞拉

這種豆生長在委內瑞拉西部的馬拉開波(Maracaibo)湖區南邊。 它是著名的可可豆的傳統種植區。 所有的烘乾和發酵工作都由一小群農民管理。 土壤和氣候讓可可豆自然生長,營養非常豐富。

The bean grows in the Western of Venezuela at the south of Maracaibo’s lake region. It is a traditional plantation area for famous and remarkable cacao beans. All the drying and fermenting works are managed by a small group of farmers. The soil and climate let the bean grow naturally with a rich amount of nutrients.

Ucayali, Peru 秘魯

可可豆產自秘魯東海岸的烏卡亞利(Ucayali),被稱為可可豆的主要種植區。 農民們從烏卡亞利河的河岸收集可可豆。 先進的烘乾和發酵技術進一步增強了可可豆的香氣。

The beans grow from Ucayali which is located in the east coast of Peru, it has been known as a principal growing area for cacao beans. The farmers collect the cacao beans from the riverbank of the Ucayali River. The advanced drying and fermenting technique further enhances the aroma of the cacao beans.

Semuliki Forest, Uganda 烏干達

可可豆來自位於烏干達西部的塞穆利基森林(Semuliki Forest)。 充足的陽光和減少嚴重降雨量為可可豆提供了理想的生長環境。

The beans grow from the Semuliki Forest which is located in the Western Uganda. Rich sunshine and reduced runoff from heavy rainfall provide an ideal environment for the cacao beans.